There are always desperate people, in desperate situations, seeking help and hope.
My name is Terry Donovan. My wife, Gloria, and I have the privilege of hosting TCATA ONLINE, based in Te Awamutu, New Zealand.
It operates under the auspices of Living Waters Trust, a New Zealand registered Charitable Trust, and is generously financed by kind people who want anyone to be able to ask questions or seek help on issues of life while remaining anonymous, should they so desire. These supporters do not want a ‘churchy’ website, nor one that is ‘politically correct’, but rather one that will be unafraid of sharing honestly and openly, especially when it comes to what the Bible says on any given subject.
So here it is…
And here we are…
Gloria and I have lived in Te Awamutu for a long time, and have been Christians since childhood. We have five adult children and fifteen grandchildren.
We have travelled extensively throughout New Zealand over many years doing music programs and training seminars. In these travels, we have met innumerable desperate people in desperate situations, who are seeking help and hope. We believe honest questions deserve honest answers, and our commitment to this website is to do the best we can on any issue raised.
In 2014 the music page was added. We are privileged to have children talented in the area of music, and many songs are being written, some of which are featured on this website – free to be downloaded for personal use.
We have been involved in Church leadership areas for most of our adult lives, and have worked across all ages, cultures and socio-economic positions. It is intended that TCATA ONLINE serve the whole community, religious or not, so it contains information probably not preached in most pulpits!
If you have any comments, suggestions for improvement, or questions you would like answered, please contact us.
We trust you are helped by what you find, and come back again.
Lord bless.
Terry & Gloria Donovan